Oil Change

Getting regular oil changes is one of the most important steps in regular vehicle maintenance. Proper lubrication of moving engine parts helps prevent auto repair problems in the future and it also can help keep the engine clean, prevent part corrosion and can keep the engine from overheating.

If you fail to get regular oil changes, you could be seriously impacting the performance and longevity of your car’s engine. Using the right high quality motor oil can limit the number of times your car will see an auto mechanic in the future.

Northgate, Greenwood and the U-District’s Salmon’s Service Centers can change the oil in your car, perform a simple inspection and send you on your way in no time. Make sure you keep up to date on your car’s inspection schedule.

Our Certified auto mechanics are well qualified and experienced with performing an oil change on all makes, models and years of cars. Bring your car by today or call us for your next oil change appointment.

All 3 of our Seattle Auto Repair and Gas Locations Offer

Propane Refill
We Refill Propane!